Greeting Cards
with gotFlowers

Make more money per
order with greeting cards!

Greeting card cover of family photograph on couch

Increase Your Average Order Value

Greeting Cards in 60 Seconds

During checkout, your customers will have the opportunity to design and customize a personalized greeting card. Once they're done, you can print the card at your shop and deliver it with their arrangement!

Extra $8 - $15 per Order

gotFlowers greeting cards sell for an average $8 - $15 per order!

15 - 20%

Fifteen to Twenty percent of all orders include a greeting card!

Inexpensive Setup

You can print cards on any color printer or photo printer.

display of 5 greeting cards
Greeting Card Printer

Personalized Keepsake Photos

How Greeting Cards Work

Design It

Your customers can choose from a gallery of images – from Birthday to Christmas to Sympathy. Or they can upload their own photos or selfie!

Personalize It

Change the fonts, colors and text. Add stickers and emojis - the possibilities are endless!

Print It

At your shop, the card is ready to print and be delivered along with the arrangement!

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