Get Profitable with Flexible Delivery Rules
Most websites and POS systems rely on zip codes to set delivery fees. This method is obsolete since zip code area vary in size and the cost of delivery of flowers will vary depending on the location of the recipient within that zip code.The main shipping companies like Fedex and UPS do not offer a flat delivery fee by zip code! Their pricing is based on distance and urgency. Customers accept this pricing model s and d o not push back or argue when it comes to shipping a package through these services.
As a florist, flowers need delicate handling and timely delivery . Your cost of delivery includes labor, vehicle and insurance costs and fuel.
Consider using distance based fees coupled with timed delivery fees. You can easily generate additional revenue from $4 to $7 per delivery. Here is a comparison between zip code based delivery fees and distance based fees:

There are situations where the delivery fees have to augmented for specific locations such as large apartment complexes. Here GotFlowers allows setting of a Zone fee in addition to the distance based fee. You can also assign fixed fees to a specific address.
How should we handle orders with multiple items? Does the buyer end up paying a small delivery fee even for an order with 6 items. Here, GotFlowers allows you to charge an extra fee based on the order value. As an example you can have your standard delivery fees for all orders up to $150 and then incremental fee for every additional $100. Tiered pricing!
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